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1 nines09  Apr 22, 2014 11:06:11am

“Honhesst ossifer. It wassss my fried, uh, friend who as dinking inna car. Not meeeee. Imma publican whoo ist sponsible anaa layer abiding citzin.”

2 calochortus  Apr 22, 2014 12:10:19pm

So, did he have his license suspended for refusing the test as would happen with ordinary mortals?

3 Skip Intro  Apr 22, 2014 12:17:16pm

re: #2 calochortus

So, did he have his license suspended for refusing the test as would happen with ordinary mortals?

I’m surprised he was booked. I imagine there was a lot of “Do you know who I am” thrown around. He must not have a powerful daddy or connected friends.

4 nines09  Apr 22, 2014 8:08:28pm

“So iffin they don’t want me to drink and drive why the fuck do bars have parking lots??!!? And now because it’s 2 AM and I have to go through the drive through ‘cause the door is locked to get a fucking Burrito and nachos and a coke I’m a fucking criminal? Do you know who I am? Do YOU KNOW? LOOK AT MEEEEEEEE”
Yep. Me or you would have been beat the fuck up and a window or two broken out of your ride (by your head maybe) and a nickel ride to your cell or better yet, a ride to the wrong Parrish or Precinct. “Bad news. Gotta get back in the back of the wagon.” Not this Pillar Of Republican Society whose high standards only apply to others further down the food chain. can we run a lottery that the winner gets to punch him in the mouth? Didn’t think so. Same as it ever was.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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